what type of client I work with.
I work with people who are constantly asking themselves why their pain isn’t going away, who are living in suffering and can’t enjoy the things they love to do because of their limitations in their physical bodies. I work with people who are committed to taking their health and well-being into their own hands, taking their power back and believing that with focus and consistency anything is possible. People who want to to better their quality of life by improving physical and mental performance, who want more mobility and to sustain their human body for life. This equals less pain and suffering. The people who have tried “EVERYTHING” and “NOTHING” works. You can be exteremely active or not active at all, if you have pain and limitations, I can help you!
I work with people who are:
★ READY: To make this shift in their life, they know movement is medicine.
★ DECISIVE: You are either in or you’re out. You choose pain and suffering or FUN and FREEDOM!
★ COMMITTED: It takes time, patience, persistence, and consistency. Results don’t happen overnight and the people I work with understand this, we take one step at a time.
★ COACHABLE: These people are open to different ways of moving and thinking, it is not “I can’t” rather it is “I will”
★ RESOURCEFUL: The people I work with MAKE THINGS HAPPEN! No excuses allowed!! If there is a will, there is a way, and my tribe get to work living in their true potential.
★ INNER CHILD: They are willing to access their inner-child and play the game of life. This program gives you the opportunity to do that.
★ FACE RESISTANCE/FAILURE: It’s not going to be easy and you may fall, but you have to get back up and try again. Falling is part of life and if we look at what we can ‘learn’ instead of ‘why me?’ than all it is, is a lesson to grow.
★ MINDFUL: Bringing awareness in a sustained and particular way in the present moment non- judgmentally. This goes for everything, we can look at our self talk, our limiting beliefs, habit patterns and how much all this holds us back
★ WILLING: you need to be willing and able to challenge yourself, to go beyond your limitations, to imagine and follow your own path.
★ RESILIENT: You harness the ability to withstand and recover quickly from the complexities you demand of the body, which is a gentle way of saying “toughen up”. I am here to help and guide you, talk and listen. I am your support and accountability partner for 90 days! After that... SELF-EMPOWERMENT!
Does this sound like you? Book your free introduction call.